The world famous historian wrote :
Polytheism is sin : “Therefore,
the toleration of any sect out side the fold of orthodox Islam is no better
than compounding with sin. And the worst form of sin is polytheism, the belief
that the one true God has partners in the form of other deities. Such a belief
is the rankest ingratitude (kafir) to him who gives as our life and daily
Meaning of Jihad is “to exert in
the Path of God :” “Islamic theology, therefore, tells the true believer
that his highest duly is to make exertion (jihad) in the path of God by waging
war against infidel lands (dar-ul-harb) till they become a part of the realm of
Islam (dar-ul-Islam). After conquest, the entire infidel population becomes
theoretically reduced to the status of slaves of the conquering army (Muslims).
The men taken with arms are to be slain or sold into slavery and their wives
and children induced to servitude. As for the non-combatants among the
vanquished, they are not massacred out right, as the Canon lawyer Shafi
declared to the Quranic injunction, it is only to give them a respite till they
are so wisely guided as to accept the true taith.” (The History of Aurangazeb.
Vol. 3, pp. 163-164 by Sir Jadunath Sarkar; published by Orient Longman 1972)
Murder of non-Muslims is a merit : “The
murder of infidels (even if they are innocent) is counted a merit in a Muslim.
It is not necessary that he (Muslim) should have his own passion or mortify his
flesh, it is not necessary for him to grow a rich growth of spirituality. He
has only to slay a certain class of his fellow-beings (non-Muslims) or plunder
their lands and wealth and this act is itself would raise his (Muslim’s) soul
to Heaven. A religion where followers are taught to regard robbery and murder
as a religious duty, is incompatible with the progress of manking or with the
peace of the world.” (ibid., pp. 161-169)
No peace between Mohammadan king
and neighbouring of infidel states : “According to the Quranic law, there
can not be peace between a Mohammedan king and his neighbouring infidel states.
The latter are Dar-ul-Harb or legitimate stated for war, and it is the Muslim
king’s duty to slay and plunder them (non-Muslims) till they accept the true
faith (Islam) and become Dar-ul-Islam. (Land of Muslims alone), after which
they will become entitled to his (Muslim king’s) protection.”
(Shivaji and his
Times, pages 479-480, by Sir Jadunath Sarkar; published by Orient Longman.)
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